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항상 고객들과의 소통을 중시하며 새로운 신상품과 기존 모델들의
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업데이트 내역
1.글 수정시 푸쉬알림선택기능
2.홈페이지 인증번호 프로필에서변경가능
3.게시판에 카테고리별(반별)분류 해서 작성가능 게시판추가
4.wifi와 3g 4g상태체크후 wifi가아닐시 동영상또는 문서파일
볼때 데이터 요금 경고창 작업
5.폰을바꾸거나 어플을지웠다가삭제해도 기존 희원정보내역
그대로받아와서 사용가능(단 ,프로필에서 폰번호를 수정안해야합니다. 그리고 회원탈퇴를 눌러서 탈퇴하면 모든정보가 삭제됨)
6.게시판 글작성시 관리자들에게만 볼수있는 글작성공간추가 Always X energy to focus on communication with customers.
According to the speedy changing times in our energy X
Application has been released. ^^
Always focused on communication with customers and new products from new and existing models
We will provide a wealth of information with the product photos.
Up to a maximum of rapid product updates and real-time Q & A
X satisfying the customer pushes the energy
Have a variety of items such as protein and amino acid supplements increase muscle strength weight diet
Said exercise methods and various news near Metz and increased energy X'll be a lot to tell you.
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Given the data rate job alert
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Take just come available (however, you need to amendment the phone number in your profile. And if you leave all of the information is deleted by pressing Withdrawal)
6. Add the administrator of the board posts only to see that article writing space when writing