KISAH GUSDUR Aplikasi Kumpulan Kisah-kisah Tentang Gusdur Dari Berbagai Sumber.
Tokoh Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Abdurrahman Wahid atau Gus Dur meninggalkan banyak cerita selama masa kepemimpinannya. Satu hal yang paling diingat adalah ketika Presiden ke-4 RI itu mengakomodasi perayaan tahun baru China atau Imlek menjadi hari libur nasional.
Karena langkah berani itu Gus Dur pun mendapat julukan baru, "Bapak Kaum Minoritas" Indonesia.
Tak hanya itu, Gus Dur adalah satu-satunya Presiden RI yang dijatuhkan saat masih berkuasa. Cucu pendiri Nahdlatul Ulama, KH Hasyim Asy'ari harus melepas jabatannya setelah MPR menggelar sidang istimewa pada Juli 2001.
Meski menimbulkan banyak kontroversi semasa hidupnya, tetapi Gus Dur selalu dikenang dan dirindukan.
KH Abdurrahman Wahid atau biasa dipanggil Gus Dur, semasa hidupnya memang dikenal sebagai sosok yang nyeleneh. Tidak hanya itu, mantan Presiden RI keempat itu dikenal sebagai kyai yang cuek. Suka humor dan kadang pendapatnya suka berbeda dengan yang lain. Banyak keunikan dari mantan Ketua PBNU yang juga cucu pendiri NU, Syech Hasyim Asy'ari tersebut.
-aplikasi ofline, bisa di buka meski tanpa internet
-ukuran aplikasi kecil, jadi tidak memakan kuota
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-mudah di ingat dan dibawa-bawa
*update akan dilakukan sesuai dengan permintaan member
sumber gambar merupakan diambil tersebar di seluruh pencarian. Jika anda adalah pemegang hak kekayaan intelektual gambar, silahkan kirimkan email pemberitahuan. Kami akan sebisa mungkin untuk cepat mengganti gambar tersebut. STORY set Gusdur Application Stories About Gusdur From Various Sources.
Leader of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur leaving many stories during his tenure. One thing to remember is when the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia to accommodate the new year celebration Chinese or Lunar become a national holiday.
Because it's a bold move Gus Dur also got a new nickname, "Mr. Minorities" Indonesia.
Not only that, Gus Dur is the only President that was dropped while still in power. Grandson of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama, Hasyim Ashari had to take off his post after the Assembly held a special session in July 2001.
Although causing much controversy during his lifetime, but Gus Dur always be remembered and missed.
KH Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur was called, during his lifetime was known as an eccentric. Not only that, the former President of the fourth is known as Kyai indifferent. Like humor and sometimes his opinions like different from the others. Many of the uniqueness of the former NU chairman who is also the grandson of NU founder Hasyim Ashari Syech it.
ofline-application, can be opened even without internet
-size small applications, so do not take up quota
-easy to understand
-easy to remember and carry
* Update will be carried out in accordance with the request members
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