About AnnDaan
It's a belief - AnnDaan is a MahaDaan
AnnDaan is an android application that helps well to do people to do MahaDaan by donating food to the people in need. It enables people to get "best from the waste".
The AnnDaan application features :-
1. Display poor people nearby to donate food
2. Report the poor people and/or slum you come across
3. Report the leftover food
4. Volunteer for delivering food to the poor people.
Video Introduction:
Hindi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQHz4Ev2xcc
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqQ29KN4LWw
by N####:
Thanks to AnnDaan! I am against foodwaste and strongly support food donation rather than just wasting it. It really provided me a platform to help me achieve my objective.