Je suis Bardo

Je suis Bardo Free App

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About Je suis Bardo

Ayant pour objectif d'instaurer dans le monde les sentiments de peur, de crainte, d'affolement, etc., les actes de terrorisme deviennent répétitifs depuis quelques temps. Hier c'était la France, aujourd'hui la Tunisie, n’acceptons pas qu'il ait un lendemain. Face à de telles menaces, des actions de luttes doivent se mettre en oeuvre pour contrer ce phénomène d'où l'objectif de ce page. Ensemble, on peut détourner leur jeu.
Donc aimez la page et faite la aimer à votre cercle d'ami!

Having for objective to establish in the world the feelings of fear, fear, desperation, etc., terrorist acts become repetitive for some time. Yesterday it was France, today Tunisia, let us not accept that he(it) has the next day. In the face of(in front of) such threats, actions(shares) of fights have to be implemented to counter this phenomenon where from the objective of it page. Together, we can divert(hijack) their game(set,play).
Thus love the page and made like(love) her(it) in your friend's circle! Aimed to establish in the world the feelings of fear, fear, panic, etc., acts of terrorism become repetitive for some time. Yesterday was France, Tunisia today, do not accept that it has a day. Faced with such threats, actions struggles must be implemented to counter this phenomenon where the purpose of the page. Together we can divert their game.
So like the page and made the love to your friend circle!

Having for objective to suit les in the world the feelings of fear, fear, desperation, etc., terrorist acts Become repetitive for Some Time. Yesterday It Was France, Tunisia today, let us not accept That he (it) Has the next day. In the face of (in front of) Such terrorism threats, shares (shares) of fights-have To Be Implemented to counter this phenomenon from Where the objective of it page. Together, we can divert (hijack) Their game (set, play).
THUS love the page and made like (love) her (it) in your friend's circle!

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