About 日本語アナライザ
形態素解析エンジンはlucene-gosen v4.6.0です。それを、Androidで利用できるように拡張したものです。
* 開発者の方へ
- uriに以下を使用します。
Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://jp.tmhouse.jpanalyzer.provider/analyze");
- 解析したい文字列は、selectionのキーとしてkeyAnalyzeを用います。
String selection = "keyAnalyze==?";
String[] selectionArgs = new String[1];
selectionArgs[0] = "解析したい文字列";
- ContentResolverからqueryします。projectionがnullのとき、すべての項目を取得できます。projectionにkeyを設定することで、取得する項目を選択することもできます。
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(
uri, null, selection, selectionArgs, null);
* ライセンスについて
このアプリはLGPL v2.1の適用ソフトウエアを含んでいます。
本ソフトウエアもLGPL v2.1となります。
本ソフトウエアのソースコード配布は、当面の間、ご希望の方はtmlaboratorydev@gmail.comまでご連絡ください。実費にて配布いたします。 In ContentProvider that the Japanese morphological analysis, there in order to be available from other apps this app.
Morphological analysis engine is lucene-gosen v4.6.0. It is an extension to be convenient Android, it.
There is no permission. Please use it at ease.
* Towards the developer
If you want in to use the Japanese analyzer, on which you installed the terminal Japanese analyzer, please call procedure by ContentProvider as follows from within the app your own.
- I use the following to the uri.
Uri uri = Uri.parse ("content :/ / jp.tmhouse.jpanalyzer.provider / analyze");
- The string you want to analyze, use the keyAnalyze as a key selection.
String selection = "keyAnalyze ==?";
String [] selectionArgs = new String [1];
[0] = "string you want to analyze" selectionArgs;
- I will query from ContentResolver. When null, projection, you can get all the items. By setting the key to the projection, you can also select the item you want to get.
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver (). Query (
uri, null, selection, selectionArgs, null);
* About the license
This app contains the application software of the LGPL v2.1.
With regard to the license of GPL / LGPL, please see the following URL.
This software will also be LGPL v2.1.
The source code distribution of this software, in the meantime, please contact tmlaboratorydev@gmail.com those who wish. Will be distributed at the actual cost.