About 奈良市避難所マップ
**** このアプリケーションについて ****
また、同じプログラムを利用した他地域他テーマでのアプリ作成等も可能です。Code for NARAまでお問い合わせください。ソースコードは以下のgithubリポジトリでMITライセンスで公開されております。
**** Code for NARAについて ****
「奈良を知り、奈良を育む」という理念に基づき、ITを活用して慣らしをより良くしていくための団体です。 奈良市の特徴を活かし、地域活性化にも貢献すべく活動中です。
**** ライセンス ****
== 避難所データ、奈良市 ==
奈良市オープンデータカタログ (http://www.city.nara.lg.jp/www/contents/1400827150843/)
[クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス 表示 2.1 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.1/jp/]
地理院地図技術情報 (http://maps.gsi.go.jp/help/#tech)
[国土地理院コンテンツ利用規約 http://www.gsi.go.jp/kikakuchousei/kikakuchousei40182.html] **** For this application ****
This application is a mapping of the location by using the shelter open data of Nara. In addition, city Kenkatsu fault map of the Geographical Survey Institute, low wetlands map or the like of the Meiji era We are also displayed in the background. If the license is such Torere, also we would like to in the application that can be viewed together as a thematic map, such as hazard map of creating such as Nara.
In addition, the app creates the like in the other regions other theme that uses the same program is also available. Please contact Code for NARA. The source code has been published in MIT license in the following github repository.
**** About **** Code for NARA
"Know the Nara, foster Nara" based on the philosophy, is an organization for to continue to better the break-in to take advantage of IT. Taking advantage of the features of Nara, it is in action in order to contribute to regional revitalization.
**** License ****
This application is available to modify the following work.
== Shelter data, Nara ==
Nara open data catalog (http://www.city.nara.lg.jp/www/contents/1400827150843/)
[Creative Commons License Display 2.1 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.1/jp/]
== Background themes, GSI ==
Geographical Survey Institute map technology information (http://maps.gsi.go.jp/help/#tech)
[GSI content Terms http://www.gsi.go.jp/kikakuchousei/kikakuchousei40182.html]