About 電卓
・% offキーは独自に追加したものです
【% offの使い方】
offしたい数値 5%なら 5 を入力して 「%off」を押します
この後 888【%off】で何回でも再計算できます ·% Off key is what you've added your own
- Also wore copy key of display data
Displaying the one before the input data to the data display of the top
The number of digits - is the 12-digit display
[% Use of off]
999 [=] 888 [% off]
% Enter the numeric value that you want to the calculation of off and press the "=" key
Enter a 5 if it is off you want numerical value 5% and press the "% off"
You can re-calculate any number of times with 888 [% off] after this