
QUPiO歩数計 Free App

Rated 1.70/5 (37) —  Free Android application by ヘルスケア・コミッティー株式会社


About QUPiO歩数計

● WEBサービス「QUPiO」の利用者専用アプリです。
Android 4.4以上が推奨環境です。また、タブレットについては動作保証外です。


● WEBサービス「QUPiO」とのデータ連携!

6.画面上にあなたが所属している医療保険者・健診機関が確認できましたら、WEBサービス「QUPiO」でお使いのログインID・パスワードを設定し、「以上の内容で設定を行う」を押します。外部システムでログインをされている組織の場合には、歩数計アプリ用のID,パスワードが必要です。[設定メニュー]で 歩数計専用のID,パスワードをご確認ください。





 お使いの機種によっては、省エネ機能が含まれている場合があります。(Android 6以降のOSではデフォルトで搭載されております。)
また、歩数計アプリ 新規導入でなく、「アプリのアップデート」をされた場合に、今までは対象から外していたのに、再度対象になってしまうケースもございます。アップデート後、歩数がうまくカウントできないという場合には、再度設定をご確認ください。

 Galaxy には「アプリを省電力化」という機能があります。


1. 設定の「バッテリー」を開く
3. 一覧から「QUPiO歩数計」を探す
4. タップして「無効」を選択する



して、QUPiO 歩数計が「最適化をしない」設定になっているかをご確認ください。最適化されておりますと、歩数がうまくカウントできません。

*Y mobile!提供機種ご利用の方へのご注意




*HUAWEI Honor 6 Plusご利用の方への注意事項


お使いの機種によっては、省エネルギー設定の解除をしたにもかかわらず ロック、スリープ時に計測機能(センサー)が動作せず、歩数カウントが行えない場合があります。これは端末固有の仕様であり本アプリ上の不具合ではありません。予めご了承下さい。 ● It is a user-only application of WEB service "QUPiO".
   It is not available other than the Web service "QUPiO" user.
   Android 4.4 or higher is the recommended environment. It is also operating under warranty for the tablet.

● easy to measure the daily number of steps!
  You can measure the daily number of steps in your existing smartphone (Android).

● data collaboration with WEB service "QUPiO"!
If you login settings to WEB service "QUPiO" within the app of "QUPiO pedometer app", it will be registered when the number of steps data measured in the "QUPiO pedometer app" has opened the app screen to the WEB service "QUPiO".

[Initial setting]
1. Start the application and display the app screen.
2. Please confirm the Terms of Service, and then proceed to the next step from the "I agree".
3. Press: "insurer searches such as (for example, health insurance union, etc.)."
4. Medical insurance who you are a member of (health insurance association, mutual aid associations, etc.), or enter a medical examination institutions, and press the ">" to the right of the input field.
5. If you have to display the medical insurer, medical examination institution you are a member, select the object, then press the "OK".
6. If you have you can see that medical insurance persons and medical examination institutions that belong to on the screen, you set your login ID · password in the WEB service "QUPiO", press "to set the above content" you. In the case of the organizations that have been logged in the external system, ID for the pedometer app, the password is required. Please check pedometer dedicated ID, and password in the Settings menu.

Start the application, data can not be cooperation in the WEB service "QUPiO" If you do not display the screen. Since the communication is not automatic, it is recommended that you display the application screen once a day.
(If you are using a version prior to 1.5, not at the time of the cooperation start-up, will be at night automatic cooperation at midnight. This is you may not be able to terminal sleep or when the power is OFF communication Please note. in addition, in order to ensure the operation, please upgrade to the latest version)

Please be sure to start the pedometer app when you set the power OFF and restart. As long as it does not start, you can not count the number of steps. (Once you start, it is the number of steps counted in the background)

(Battery consumption)
Android is a multi-model, the model also, accuracy has received a report that mixed a lot of the number of steps in previous versions (versions prior to 1.5) is funny, which is hardware pedometer sensor mounted. In order to mitigate the variation in the accuracy in each model it is a unique number of steps measured using an acceleration sensor by default. On the mechanism, Please note that some of the battery consumption will occur.
In addition, those of hardware pedometer sensor value some may get an accuracy depending on the model. If you absolutely not out precision in the unique process, as you will find to switch to the "sensor terminal" in the "Setup Menu", please check the person out accuracy. This can not be specified in models that are not equipped.

(Number of steps sensitivity)
Measurement of the number of steps (sensitivity) is different for each of the model you are using. I will proceed at the top right of the screen from the "Setup Menu" to "the sensitivity of the pedometer", please set the sensitivity that was the model.
(If you are using a hardware pedometer sensor mounted on the smartphone, you do not have a sensitivity adjustment.)

(Energy-saving function)
Depending on your model, there is a case that contains the energy-saving function. (It is mounted by default in Android 6 or later OS.)
When the energy-saving feature is enabled, will the operation of the app is limited, there is the case that the measurement of the number of steps does not work.
After confirming the energy-saving function, with regard to the QUPiO pedometer app, please disable setting.
Also, towards the introduction of the power-saving app, please remove this app from the energy-saving target.
In addition, instead of the pedometer app newly introduced, if it is the "app updates", until now to have been removed from the target, there is also the case that becomes the subject again. After the update, in the case that the number of steps can not be successfully count, please check the setting again.

* Notes towards the Galaxy available
The Galaxy has a feature called "power saving the application".
This is a feature called "apps that do not use more than three days to operate in a power saving".
When it becomes the power-saving target, during the sleep app is stopped, it will not be able to count the number of steps.

In order to cancel this,

1. Open the "battery" of the setting
2. Press the "Details" button in the "power saving app"
3. Find "QUPiO pedometer" from the list
4. Tap to select the "Disable"

Please give me the operation that.

* Zenfone your attention to the person who uses
Automatic start-up "does not allow the automatic start-up" in the manager case, the number of steps can not be successfully count because it can not start automatically when the terminal is restarted. Please allow sure.

* Notes towards the Xperia available
In order to reduce the battery consumption of each application, and when you are not using the terminal, when the application has not been used for several days, the application will be disabled. Apps> Settings> Display the battery screen in the battery, the menu> optimization of the battery> application / other all> optimize does not tap the application / function of the battery
And, please confirm whether the QUPiO pedometer is "does not optimized" setting. If you have been optimized, the number of steps can not be successfully count.

* Y mobile! Notes towards providing models available
There is a model that contains the Yahoo! smartphone optimization tool as an installed application. Please check the following settings if the operation is wrong.

When the "Random power-saving" tab has been turned ON, the setting of the lower right of set-automatic termination prohibited app

At the time - Random power-saving run, do not want to terminate automatically during the screen lock app

In, that has been designated a "QUPiO pedometer" app from within the app list in the start-up.

* HUAWEI Honor 6 Plus notes to those who use
The power-related that "privacy and security" of the Android Settings screen there is a setting item to a different place. There is an item called "protected application", application list is displayed in it, here is set to ON the switch of "high power consumption" looks like the app does not end even when the liquid crystal is off.
For how the pedometer app must not detect all of the vibration when walking, when the liquid crystal is OFF also not continue to operate and can not count the correct number of steps. On your note, thank you set.

(The number of steps of cooperation)
When you open the screen to launch the app communication of the number of steps does not work, once, perform "to synchronize the number of steps data" in the menu, or are registered in the WEB service "QUPiO", please confirm.
If you here in the synchronization does not work, again, will be asked to login settings, then, please check the synchronization.

(Pedometer at the time of the lock-sleep)
Depending on your device model, lock in spite of the release of the energy-saving setting, without measurement functions during sleep (sensor) operation, it may not be performed step count. This is not a bug on this application be in the terminal-specific specifications. Please note.

How to Download / Install

Download and install QUPiO歩数計 version 1.5.3 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: jp.qupio.pedometer2, download QUPiO歩数計.apk

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App History & Updates

What's Changed
・アプリアップデート直後に カウントが再開されない不具合の修正
Version update QUPiO歩数計 was updated to version 1.5.3
More downloads  QUPiO歩数計 reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
Version update QUPiO歩数計 was updated to version 1.2.1
More downloads  QUPiO歩数計 reached 5 000 - 10 000 downloads

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