"HIRAGANA(ひらがな)" is a learning application for children to learn Japanese Hiragana. Intellectual training, of course, please use as a communication tool between parents and children.
Main features
You can check the pronunciation of Hiragana.
The display reads audio hiragana You can adjust the sound to play before the interval to see hiragana.
Read aloud to select patterns that are prepared in advance. "A,I,U,E,O(あ,い,う,え,お)", "KA,KI,KU,KE,KO(か,き,く,け,こ)" and dullness, dullness half, read aloud to each group, Hiragana and diphthong.
You can read hiragana, type up your own.
You can read the hiragana chosen at random.
Manually select Hiragana can be read.
Hiragana practice for parents and children.