About てっツイ
Powered by 哲学・美学イベントカレンダー (http://goo.gl/xw9NqD)
& 研究会/講演会情報(主に人文系)(http://goo.gl/AmD1OZ)
& Tokyo Art Beat(http://www.tokyoartbeat.com/)
・カレンダーアプリを起動して,必要なカレンダーとあなたの端末とを同期してください.(カレンダーアプリは,このアプリの右上に隠れている「カレンダー起動」ボタンからも起動できます) It is an application that supports the Society of participation and communication of thought and philosophy.
If you find an interesting event, let's participation declaration!
We will work with your existing Twitter app.
(You can also just bookmark without the participation declaration.)
Since this app will manage the hash tag of Twitter, anyone you can participate in simple discussion.
Powered by philosophy, aesthetics events calendar (http://goo.gl/xw9NqD)
& Institute / lecture information (mainly humanities) (http://goo.gl/AmD1OZ)
& Tokyo Art Beat (http://www.tokyoartbeat.com/)
When you first start, when the synchronization with Google Calendar is not already done, you need to take the following steps.
In accordance with the induction of-screen, please import the calendar to your Google account on the Web.
· Start the calendar application, please synchronize the necessary calendar and with your terminal. (Calendar app, you can also be started from the "calendar start" button, which is hidden in the upper-right corner of this app)