GFステージの最新情報をもらさずチェック! for Android
公式HPや戸建てマニアレポート、イベント・キャンペーン、アプリ限定公開情報、など様々な情報ソースをまとめて時系列にチェックできます。家探し中のユーザーにとっては、購入判断に重要な情報を漏らすことがありません。 ときどき公式サイトの更新を確認するなどの面倒な情報収集がカンタンになります。
· [Registration required], you can quickly get more information in the registration without of personal information. First of all, it is safe even those who start feel free to study.
· [Push notifications for the latest information] is brought together a variety of up-to-date information about the ~ GF stage, it will be announced in a push notification.
Official HP and detached mania reports, event campaign, you can check the time series together app limited public information, a variety of information sources, including. For users in the house hunting, you do not have to divulge important information on the purchase decision. Sometimes tedious information gathering, such as to confirm the update of the official website will be easy.
(Release of push notifications, can be done in the setting of the terminal)
• Even [app limited information] ~ sometimes be limited public information is only available in the app will be delivered!
• The "I want to know more about" information of the mania report] ~ GF stage, and then delivered as original series reports that House mania thorough coverage. We answer to "I want to know more about" on the purchase consideration in its own third-party perspective report not to the official HP and portal site.
· [Tours] Note that it is worrisome in-House study, obtain information, question, model room of the photo, you can save the app at all that the photo and text notes.
- Any information related to [the most convenient environment of property examination] - consideration of the property, can be managed centrally aggregated into this app. Such as the official listing Homepage Property Description - inquiry information of GF stage, all the way without having to launch the browser search, you can access to immediate official information site when Omoita~tsu.
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