About 勉強時間記録帳
動作が軽くなるように調節しました。 Measuring the study time, recording an aggregate can be app. It was produced because there was no one quite of their liking. The design is still, but I made stuck to the ease of use.
Major features
· Have the choice of subjects - subjects so can be made as simple as possible.
· Subject totals can.
And recording and will be to display the total time of the study until now.
- It leads to up the motivation for the graph of achievement rate is displayed.
Of data backup and restore is also easy.
2014/7/17 we achieved the total download number 1000.
2015/8/22 we achieved the total download number 5,000.
2016/5/30 has achieved number 10000 items total download!
Everyone Thank you for your use m (__) m
Latest information
Operation has been adjusted to be lighter.