めざメロ クラシックオルゴールmini for Android
「クラシックオルゴール フル」の曲から特に人気の高い3曲をチョイス。
この「クラシックオルゴール mini」に収録されてる音楽は以下の3曲です♪
・美しく青きドナウ / オルゴール
・木星 / オルゴール
・ピアノ・ソナタ 第8番 「悲愴」 第2楽章 / オルゴール
The theme of this alarm app, "classic music box!"
I choose three songs especially popular songs from "classic music box full".
Do you welcome the morning and pleasant classic favorites which selected carefully! ?
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Mezamero Enrich course also serves as an alarm app!
Song settings are possible from time to time and day of the week handy from the installed music,
Possible random music playback function and snooze setting, also detailed music changes each day of the week!
♪ has been produced to try to ease that can be understood intuitively
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Music that is included in this "classic music box mini" ♪ The three songs below
• The Blue Danube / music box
· Jupiter / music box
Piano Sonata No. 8 "Pathetique" 2nd movement / music box