About 買い物リスト
1. 買い物に行く前に家にあるものを数える。
2. だいたい何日分残っているかを把握する。
3. それを元に購入する品物と数を決める。
4. 買い物に出かける。
是非ご利用ください。このアプリであなたのお役にたてれば幸いです。 Please use the notes when shopping.
I think that it is often to buy the same items each time of shopping.
There is a need to write the same content each time of shopping it's memo of paper, but it eliminates the need of input it is possible to reuse the previous contents and use the app.
Because it is possible to write the number (stock) is also remaining in the house, or bought more than necessary, you can prevent that or is no longer enough.
Shopping can be done well without waste efficiency and in the following manner.
1. Count the things in the house before you go shopping.
2. to know whether the remaining roughly what days.
3. determine the number and goods to buy based on it.
4. go out shopping.
This app offers the functionality required to perform this procedure.
Please use all means. I hope you Tatere to Your role in this app.