About 青空文庫短編集
収録著者は芥川 龍之介、梶井基次郎、太宰治、夏目漱石、新見南吉、宮沢賢治、夢野久作です。
日本の素晴らしい文学をお楽しみください。 I tried together those of short readable immediately among Aozora Bunko.
I am ordered by the number of characters in the title is less. You can meet new taste sensation that determine the story that I read in the title.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kajii Motojiro, Osamu Dazai, Natsume Soseki, Niimi Nankichi, Miyazawa Kenji, recorded author is Yumeno Kyusaku.
Please enjoy the great literature of Japan.