About JSPNM2011
第47回日本周産期・新生児医学会学術集会 Myスケジュール(Android版)は、学術集会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。
※このプログラム検索・スケジュール管理システムは、初回起動時にパスワードの入力が必要です。パスワードは、日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌(第47巻 第2号)にてご案内しております。
47th Japan perinatal and neonatal Medical Association Scientific Sessions My schedule (Android version) is a scientific meeting for schedule management application.
By searching the sessions and presentations you want to attend to register as your schedule, you can create an original calendar in the Society of the period. Since before the start of the session that registered the alert is displayed, you do not have to miss inadvertently listening to the session.
※ This program search and schedule management system, you need to enter your password at the time of the first start-up. Password, we will guide in Japan perinatal and neonatal Medical Association Journal (Vol. 47, No. 2).
○ development and sales / support
The developer of this application, sales / support is as follows.
[Development and sales / support]
Ltd. mice One