About 就活企業リサーチ -企業情報検索アプリ
・正式商号・所在地・代表者最終学歴・代表者出身地・全国業界順位・県内業界順位・創業年・設立年・従業員数・資本金・上場区分・大株主・売上高・当期利益・総合評価 Job hunting company research is an app for students in job hunting makes a company research and browse the corporate information. The information of the company to be worried about anywhere at any time can be obtained, the selection of blue-chip companies, of course, also helps, such as advance preparation and entry sheet creation of the interview.
Corporate information because they are based on data that Tokyo Shoko Research, Ltd. has actually investigated, reliability is high, you can use with confidence.
The company information, sales volume, industry ranking, have been described, such as comprehensive evaluation of the Tokyo Shoko Research, it can be viewed at 60 yen per company!
Small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large companies, including, since Japan 1.5 million companies of corporate information has been covered, you should now sure to find some companies that are in the mood!
Find the hidden blue-chip companies in the job hunting company research, let's win the job offer!
※ for students limitation of the application, in the case of use will require registration of e-mail address for the student.
[Corporate information that can be viewed]
· Official business name, location, representative Education, representatives birthplace nationwide industry ranking, the prefecture industry ranking, founding year, the establishment year, the number of employees, capital-listing segment, large shareholders, net sales, net income and comprehensive evaluation