タクティクスアドバンス 民法 2012 改訂版 for Android
Ⅰ 総則(110問)¥900 Ⅱ 物権(58問)¥600 Ⅲ 担保物権(43問)¥450 Ⅳ 債権総論(85問)¥850 Ⅴ 債権各論(112問)¥900 Ⅵ 親族(36問)¥350 Ⅶ 相続(33問)¥350 Ⅷ 総合問題(29問)¥170
[Functional controls:
Tap the screen, the app will continue to answer. A unique feature of the app, the problem was an incorrect answer is automatically accumulated problems "incorrect", the user can use the issue to their own distributed learning "review" is possible. In addition, the "report card", you can figure out the progress of the study of the self.
[Add] problem
Ⅰ General Provisions real rights ¥ 900 Ⅱ (question 110) collateral ¥ 600 Ⅲ (Question 58) General Remarks receivables ¥ 450 Ⅳ (Question 43) Particulars receivables ¥ 850 Ⅴ (question 85) Relatives ¥ 900 Ⅵ (Q 112) (Question 36) ¥ 350 Ⅶ comprehensive inheritance issue ¥ 350 Ⅷ (Question 33) ¥ 170 (Question 29)