About 領収書分割 byNSDev
49999円以下 非課税
5万円以上 100万円以下 200円
100万円を超え 200万円以下 400円
200万円を超え 300万円以下 600円
300万円を超え 500万円以下 1千円
500万円を超え 1千万円以下 2千円
1千万円を超え 2千万円以下 4千円
2千万円を超え 3千万円以下 6千円
3千万円を超え 5千万円以下 1万円
5千万円を超え 1億円以下 2万円
1億円を超え 2億円以下 4万円
2億円を超え 3億円以下 6万円
3億円を超え 5億円以下 10万円
5億円を超え 10億円以下 15万円
10億円を超えるもの 20万円
------------------------------------ Overview
In a small number of sheets as much as possible the receipt in order to reduce the stamp tax receipts even a little is efficiently split the app.
Split a result, you can specify whether you want to create a 50,000 less than the receipt of tax-free when a fraction of less than 50,000 came out.
When you specify to not create, it changes to the receipt of 100,000 yen + fraction, subtract ¥ 100,000 from another receipt.
Stamp tax table of receipt (2016.1.29 currently)
49,999 yen or less tax-free
More than 50,000 yen less than 1 million yen 200 yen
1,000,000 yen beyond 2 million yen below 400 yen
2,000,000 yen a more than than three million yen 600 yen
3,000,000 yen to more than 5 million yen less than 1 one thousand yen
500 more than the yen 10 million yen or less 2 one thousand yen
10 million yen more than 20 million yen or less 4 one thousand yen
20 million yen more than 30 million yen or less 6 one thousand yen
3 thousand more than the yen 50 million yen or less 10,000 yen
5 thousand more than the ten thousand yen more than 300 million yen 20,000 yen
100 million yen to more than 200 million yen less than 40,000 yen
More than 200 million yen 3. more than 300 million yen 60,000 yen
300 million yen to more than 500 million yen less than 100,000 yen
500 million yen to more than 1 billion yen less than 150,000 yen
Those with more than 1 billion yen 200,000 yen