About 銀座へしれけーき
今では、お歳暮やお中元をはじめ、接待の手土産にも最適な高級感溢れる菓子日本料理店こだわりの逸品は引き出物や内祝いにも重宝され愛されています。 kuma3 chef of Hamano TakashiHiro want to provide our customers incorporated into not forget rich aroma of French production fermentation butter "own story".
"Cake may to the Ginza," "cake may to Ginza Waguri" "cake may to Ginza black beans" was born from such a thought.
Now, including gifts and Hazime Ataru control, a gem of entertainment optimal luxurious confectionery Japanese restaurant also sticking to the souvenir is loved also come in handy gift or family celebration.