About ローソン
・地図とGPSにより現在地から最寄の店舗を探せる「店舗検索」【Apple Watch対応】
・ローソンの最新情報 "Ponta card", "d point card" of plastic to digital!
"Digital Ponta card" and "digital d point card", "coupon" in addition to such as is available, you can also see the latest information of Lawson.
- can be used at the cash register, is mounted on the smartphone "digital Ponta card", "digital d point card"
- Discount coupon
· Searchable the nearest store from the current position by the map and the GPS "store locator" [Apple Watch corresponding]
· Subject get the goods to be purchased "Membership receipt stamp" (※ Please show of Ponta card or d point card is required)
- once a day you can challenge "Star game"
· Discount "trial voucher" List
And ownership point balance confirmation
· The latest information of Lawson
by S####:
カードの登録が出来なくて前より不便になりました。 改善して欲しいです。