About JLPT N2 语法
JLPT N2级 语法 新完全掌握必背句型198
日语教育的老字号出版社スリーエーネットワーク,将日本语能力测试考前对策畅销书籍《新完全マスター日本語能力試験文法》做成学习软件了。通过此学习软件,能够学到按照意思功能分类的N2级水平的语法项目。通过例句和解说,能够学习各个句型在什么样的文脉怎样使用,每个句型具有怎样的语法性质,怎样整理掌握才最有效。学习软件中,整理了在“第1部 句子的语法”中举出的能力考试合格所必须掌握的198个句型,翻译了“意思·解说·例句”。使用书籍学习的学习者自不必说,想仅仅通过学习软件考试合格的人,我们也充满信心向您推荐!现在就请您下载学习,向着合格一步一步往前进吧!
《新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験N2》的“第1部: 句子的语法 1~26课”的198个句型。
“测验”: 每次小测验随机出10道题。会保留测验结果。
JLPT N2 文法 新完全マスター必須文法形式198
日本語教育の老舗出版社スリーエーネットワークが、日本語能力試験対策のベストセラー『新完全マスター日本語能力試験文法』をアプリにしました。N2レベルの文法形式を意味機能別に学習し、どんな文脈でどのように使うか、どんな文法的性質を持っているか、どのように整理して覚えるのが効率的かを、例文と解説を通して学ぶことができます。アプリには、能力試験合格に必須の「第1部文の文法」に取り上げた198の文法形式を取り上げ、「意味・解説・例文」を翻訳しました。書籍を使って学習している人はもちろん、アプリだけで合格を目指す人にも、自信を持っておすすめします! 今すぐダウンロードして学習を開始、合格まで一歩一歩進んでいきましょう!
『新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験N2』の「第1部:文の文法 1~26課」198の文法形式
「リスト」:文法形式を五十音順、課順、お気に入りで並べ替えて、学習したい文法形式を選ぶことができます。 JLPT N2 grade 语法 new fully seized 必背 clause type 198
[Day 语翻 译在 downward]
[还有 简化 version]
Japan 语能 force 测试 considered before 对策, non 它莫 genus!
Day English educational old character issue publisher Three er network, Prefect Japan 语能 force 测试 considered before 对策 畅销 books "new full master Japanese Proficiency Test grammar" 做成 science 习软 KenRyo. Through 过此 Science 习软 Ken Noh 够学 arrival 按照 intention Isaono minute 类的 N2 级水 flat basis 语法 items. Through 过例 clause reconciliation theory, the ability 够学 习各 个句 type standing 什么 样的 statement 脉怎 样使 for, 每个 clause type androgynous 怎样 basis 语法 of quality, 怎样 organize seized talent most Expiration. In or near school 习软, organize Ryozai "Part 1 wolfberry basis 语法" medium 举出 ability Ko试 pass office Required seized basis 198 个句 type, transliteration 译了 "intention-Commentary • Example clause". Use books Science 习的 learner own non 必说, yes 仅仅 communication 过学 习软 matter considered 试 pass human, we 们也 charge 满信 heart toward 您推 荐! Currently 就请 您下 载学 习, toward wearing pass one walked one 步往 before 进吧!
Journal content
"New full master grammar Japanese Proficiency Test N2" basis "Part 1: wolfberry basis 语法 1-26 Division" basis 198 个句 type.
"Seize": intention Isaono • Example clause, contact 续方 ceremony, example clause-语法 Commentary
"Practice": Jae-per-within one 课范 围之, Zuitsukuede 10 Michi题. Fu带 presentation - Commentary
"测验": 每次 small 测验 Zuitsukuede 10 Michi题. Kai hold 测验 RESULTS.
"Me录": Prefect 每个 clause type 按照 50 sound 图顺 ordinal, 课的 order, self studies 习过 specific items 顺序 etc. Hairetsu 归类, mosquitoes 以自 line 选择 self So-gaku 习的 clause type.
JLPT N2 grammar new full master required grammar format 198
[Lite version there is also]
If the Japanese Proficiency Test, this only!
Long-established publishers Three er network of Japanese education, was Japanese Proficiency Test of the best-selling "New full master Japanese Language Proficiency Test grammar" to the application. The N2 level grammar format of the learned another meaning function, how do use in any context, any grammatical nature and do you have, how to organize and remember to is whether efficient, to learn through the commentary and example sentences I can. The app, pick the 198 grammar format of which took up to the "grammar of the first Partial" essential to the ability test pass, we translated the "meaning and explanation Raven". Of course people who are learning to use the books, even to those who aim to pass only in the app, we recommend with confidence! Now download and start learning, let's go step by step to pass!
"New full master grammar Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2": grammar format of "Part 1 grammar 1-26 Division of the sentence" 198
and "remember": Death of meaning feature Raven-connection how Raven-grammatical commentary
The "practice to": in the range of each section, and then random to question 10 Dai. Hint commentary with
"Test": I will question random to 10 Dai in a single test. History will remain.
"List": grammar format in alphabetical order, mosquitoes order, and sorted by a favorite, you can choose the grammar format you want to learn.