About 明鏡MX第二版・新漢語林MX(大修館書店)(国語+漢和辞典)
表記の 使い分けについて解説。
「完全一 致」「部分一致」「後方一致」で検索すること
本アプリは、高速で豊富な検索機能を搭載した富士通製『ONESWING』製品名はInspirium 辞書検索ライブラリ V1.0を採用しています。
Androidマーケットで(7 Knowledge Corporation)社が提供している「これなら使える!」「誰でも使える!」手書き日本語入力「mazec (J) for Android」を推薦いたします。
※詳しくはAndroidマーケット>ツール>mazec から。
受付時間 10:00~18:00 土日祝日を除く
電話: 0120-77-1970
使用時: 24MB以上
5.本体の戻るキーで前に戻ってください。 ■ A "Meikyo MX second edition and new Chinese forest MX"?
Taishukanshoten of the MX dictionary, is an integrated dictionary software equipped with a "Meikyo Japanese dictionary MX second edition," "new Chinese forest MX".
■ "Meikyo Japanese dictionary MX second edition": recording language number about 64,000
• Basic modern language to the center, such as computer-related words and economic terms, also neologisms many accepted.
• If the vertical many collocation item, archaic and refined diction also appropriate recording.
· "Meikyo language dictionary" essence condensed three major features of the corresponding even MX.
1. Japanese dictionary first, and recorded also subtracted misuse heading from the wrong words.
2. and appropriate use of hesitation easy representation, how to use the special attention is required words
3. or if there is a proper use for each meaning, if there are a plurality of Chinese characters and send pseudonym,
And it describes the proper use of notation.
■ "New Chinese forest MX": From the item about 47,000
And recording all the · JIS first and secondary level of character.
-Radical-stroke count code reading, literally Kai character, such as addition to the basic information of Chinese characters, read Author
Ask not Amasa well as obfuscation, used properly.
· Idiom also many recording.
· 2010 kanji corresponding to the table of the revision.
■ Triple browser installed
It was 3 mode equipped with a "user interface" for up to 10 inch tablet from the smartphone three inches. You can choose an easy-to-use operating environment.
■ Basic Usage
-Entry word search
Words from the top right of the screen, type the letter "forward match"
"Complete a match" "partial match" to search for "backward match"
I can.
■ correspond to each other skewered search with multiple ONESWING app.
■ cooperation with Wikipedia Japanese (net dictionary)
Together also Wikipedia Japanese version of the net dictionary that can be used free of charge
You can be the target of global search
■ search engine for "ONESWING"
This application is a fast, equipped with a rich search feature was Fujitsu "ONESWING" product name has adopted a Inspirium dictionary search library V1.0.
※ For more information to the introduction site of Fujitsu Inspirium
■ recommendation of handwriting input
In the Android Market (7 Knowledge Corporation), Inc. is has a "can be used if this!" Provides "anyone can use!" Handwritten Japanese input "mazec (J) for Android" will recommend.
The traditional handwriting input I can continuous input difference.
You can smooth operation for the dictionary are substantial.
※ For more details from Android Market> Tools> mazec.
■ Support Information
Regarding the inquiry after the purchase of this product will be accepted in the "ONESWING Support Center".
※ It is to be noted that the published information on the dictionary content, please contact the publisher window.
■ ONESWING Support Center
Hours 10:00 to 18:00 I excluding weekends and holidays
Phone: 0120-77-1970
* New Year, we will indeed be closed until January 3 than without permission December 29.
■ necessary memory size
Installation time: about 2MB
When using: 24MB or more
■ Memory Management
App (search engine + browser) will be installed in the application area within the body. (About 2MB) books and dictionary data it will be installed on the microSDHC card or built-in data area. (About 24MB)
Note) ※ If you are replacing a microSDHC you will need to re-download books and dictionary data to select "content download" from the "menu button".
■ how to download content
1. It will start the application.
2. Query dialog box is displayed for download of the content at the time of the first start-up. Please select "Yes".
3. Confirmation dialog of the Wi-Fi connection and the battery level is displayed. Please select "OK".
※ it recommends the use of Wi-Fi. and (1/6 of 3G line if the optical line 100M)
※ so as not to battery exhaustion during the download, it is recommended that you connect the charging cable.
※ download time: about 10-20 minutes (at the time of 3G line use)
4. Please select the "start" button.
5. Please go back to before the key Back of the body.