About 有名企業に学ぶ サービスの教科書
有名企業に学ぶ サービスの教科書
from 飲食の戦士たち
代表取締役社長 飯沼浩氏
取締役社長 佐谷友巳氏
代表取締役 伊藤彰氏
代表取締役社長 刀根義明氏
取締役社長 佐部成彦氏
代表取締役社長 津村昭二氏
代表取締役 成瀨哲也氏
あとがき Textbook of service learning in well-known companies
Warriors of food and drink from
Restaurant business service industry. Is a "person" service.
Pokka Create Co., Ltd. ●
Mr. President Hiroshi Iinuma
The key to leap, "recruitment and training" of human
"Food and drink industry is going to open the door there is still a lot of potential.'s Possibilities are, but we're nothing more than that." And, to young people who become a driving force in the future, no doubt, speak.
● Maruhan dining Ltd.
Mr. President M. Satani friend
NO number of stores in the world. One.
Activates the agriculture of Japan, vision of "Team SUBWAY" The farmers grow.
● Subway Corporation Japan
Akira Ito Representative Director
"I think people with different dreams and ideas gather, talk, and a collection of staff to work with a smile always bright, and want to be a company called Sapporo Lion".
● Sapporo Lion, Ltd.
Mr. President Yoshiaki Tone
"People", "Vehicles Is is the" greatest asset,
"There is no end to human evolution"
● Kirin City
Mr. President Naruhiko sub
"Let a cheerful, pleasant company, to work!"
Beer is meant to enjoy life. If it was, I do not enjoy working with people who provide it.
● Asahi Food Create
Mr. President Shoji Tsumura
"Hanamaru" giving back to the birthplace of Kagawa.
"Ladies Project" was launched, but it has led to unique women leaders.
Hanamaru Co., Ltd. ●
Representative director Tetsuya 瀨 formation