About 北洋銀行
「北洋銀行 Secure Starter」は、スマートフォンから、北洋ダイレクト(インターネットバンキング)のスマートフォン版サイトを安全に利用するためのアプリケーションです。
「北洋銀行 Secure Starter」は、ネットムーブ株式会社が開発し、北洋銀行から無償で提供しているアプリです。セキュリティ対策のためにも、ご利用いただくことを推奨いたしますが、本アプリの完全性や動作内容を保証するものではありません。また、本アプリを利用されたことにより生じた、損失及び損害に関して責任を負うことはいたしかねます。北洋銀行では、予告なしに本アプリの提供の中止や、改良を行う場合があります。ご利用にあたっては、以下の開発元であるネットムーブ株式会社の利用規約を承諾の上ご利用ください。本アプリをダウンロードした時点で、下記の利用規約にご承諾いただいたものといたします。
•本アプリの原著作権は、開発元であるネットムーブ株式会社(以下「当社」という)と、NSHC SECURITYに帰属します。
•本規約に起因して紛争が生じた場合には、東京地方裁判所を管轄の裁判所とします。 From smartphones, "North Pacific Bank Secure Starter" is an application that allows you to safely use the smartphone version site Hokuyo direct (Internet banking).
Since implementing the security check automatically at startup, by checking the safety of the use terminal, you can you use it for the direct North Pacific.
Contents of security check]
Check the safety of OS
Check malicious code (virus)
Check for system vulnerabilities
This application is an application that net move, Inc. to develop and North Pacific Bank to provide
I consider that you download this application, and then install from that agreed to the following terms and conditions.
"North Pacific Bank Secure Starter" is an application that net move, Inc. to develop and are provided free of charge from the North Pacific. Also for security, it is recommended that you use it, but it does not guarantee the operation and content integrity of this application. Also, I can not do it occurring as a result of that has been using this app, be held responsible for any damage and loss. In the North Pacific, there are times when it is carried out and no longer providing this application, the improvement without notice. The Terms of Use, please use the accept the Terms of Use of the net move, Inc., the developer of the following. I will assume when you download this application, have you consent to the terms of use of the following.
1. Limitation
• The reverse compile, disassemble, decrypt, and extract this application, making the other reverse engineering is not possible.
• You can not use the (sales to third parties, such as rental and rental-pseudo act) commercial transaction this application.
• To duplicate this application, you will not be able to distribute to any third party modification, the act of publication, etc..
2. Attribution of rights
• and, the original copyright of this app, belong to NSHC SECURITY (the "Company") net move, Inc., the developer.
3. Range of Warranties and Liability
• do so at your own risk download and installation of this application.
• it is preferable that this application will meet Your requirements or that interference will not occur in the operation of this application, and the Company does not guarantee that there are no errors in the contents of this application.
• We do not have was caused by the use of this application, is that regardless of the presence or absence of predictability of the Company for damages and any loss, bear the responsibility.
4. Period of use of this application
• even before the expiration of the time limit that was previously displayed and shall be able to terminate the use of the application at any time.
• You may want to cancel or stop the long term or temporary use of the application without prior notice.
• If you fail to comply to the description of this agreement, it is assumed that it is possible to halt the use of this application.
5. Other
• I may improve this application without prior notice, to change.
• If a dispute arises as a result of this agreement, then the court of jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.