また、「LION FX」の口座とのリアルタイムでの資金振替に24時間対応しているため「LION FX」の口座を通していつでも入出金可能となっています。
※「LION FX」の取引は専用の「LION FX Android」をご利用ください。
※当社の「LION BO」の口座をお持ちでない方もレート及びチャートの参照機能はご利用いただけます。
1. リアルタイムレート配信
2. 為替レートのリアルタイムチャート配信
3. 購入プレミアムのレートをリアルタイムでチャート配信
4. シンプルでわかりやすい購入画面
1画面スクロールなしで必要な操作が行えるためタイミングを逃さずに素早く簡単 に取引ができます。
5. クイック入金が可能
「LION FX」を利用するとクイック入金 約380行に対応でAndroidから直接入金でき、「LION BO」には「LION FX」口座からリアルタイムで資金振替ができるので取引のタイミングを逃しません。
6. ユーザーID・パスワード保存機能
7. 完全当社オリジナルシステム!業界最速でお客様のお声をシステムに反映!!
LION BOは当社オリジナルシステムのため、当社に足りない機能・あればさらに便利な機能など、日々お客様からお寄せいただくご要望を基にバージョンアップ計画を立て、フル稼働で開発しております。
Android版「LION BO」もまだまだ進化していきますので、ご意見やご要望などございましたら、ぜひお寄せくださいませ。
第一種金融商品取引業 近畿財務局長(金商)第41号
ご意見箱: https://hirose-fx.co.jp/form/opinion/ Are aligned ordering function and real-time delivery rate equivalent to that of the PC version, charting capabilities, the account management function, it can be traded in this one wherever you are at any time.
In addition, it has become a deposit and withdrawal at any time through the account of "LION FX" because it has a 24-hour transfer of funds in real time with the account of "LION FX".
※ Please use a dedicated "LION FX Android" transactions of "LION FX".
※ If you do not have an account of our "LION BO" is also available see chart functionality and rate.
■ Main Features
1. Real-time delivery rate
Real-time chart delivery 2. Exchange Rates
The chart real-time delivery rate of 3 purchase premium
Purchase screen that is easy to understand 4. simple
You can deal quickly and easily without missing the timing for it is possible to perform operations that require one screen without scrolling.
Possible 5. quick payment
The payment can be directly from the Android in the corresponding to about 380 lines Quick payment When you use the "LION FX", and does not miss the timing of the transaction since it is funds transfer in real time from the "LION FX" account to the "LION BO".
6. user ID · password save feature
Without the need for input at every login. Login effortlessly on the go.
7 complete our original system! And reflected in the system to your voice of the customer in the industry's fastest! !
Because of our original system, and make a version-up plan based on such more useful function, a request to have you received from customers on a daily basis, LION BO we have developed at full capacity as long functions and not enough to the Company.
So we will evolve still Android version is also "LION BO", If you have any opinions and requests, Please send us by all means.
■ Hirose Trade Co., Ltd.
(KC) No. 41 first Type I Financial Instruments Business Kinkizaimukyoku length
The Institute of Financial Futures Association (membership number 1562)
■ opinions and requests
Email: info@hirose-fx.co.jp
Contact Form: https: //hirose-fx.co.jp/category/contact/index.html
Opinion box: https://hirose-fx.co.jp/form/opinion/