ビジネスクラスのバックパッカーもりぞお世界一周紀行キューバ編 for Android
【27467文字 95ページ(新書約1/2冊分)】
4.イージューライダー IN キューバ っていうか、リアルドラクエ
7.キューバで一番美しい海を求めて その1 「先生、バスケがしたいです。」
8.キューバで一番美しい海を求めて その2 「僕らの自由を!」
10.道路が川になる町 キューバの古都、トリニダー
11.キューバ音楽 キューバ人は皆踊るのか?
12.裕福なのか貧しいのか 社会主義国キューバの「平等」
14.「革命か、死か」は「労働か、死か」と同源なのか? そしてその志は普遍なのか?
森山たつを / もりぞお
その時の旅行記が、本書「ビジネスクラスのバックパッカー もりぞお世界一周紀行」である。
You can quit the company suddenly, to travel around the world!
In addition, tickets, business class!
North Beijing Olympics, to near the Antarctic, south Around the World business class for one year! True Conversely, lords travel of land, sea and air with anything and midnight express!
Thorough tourism back to table reading from × depth economic perspective selfish fool experience ×!
We have e-book of together, a travel journal that came wrote like every day in the field!
Country, This volume reviews Cuba was the most impressive among the trip.
Soviet car of the 1970s and American car of the 1960s ran normally, there are only five types of juice has passed the supermarket, apt socialist country national civil service to all professional baseball players from the clerk of the restaurant.
Everyone is so poor, many people are living and quite happily, there was a country of true contrary to Japan!
[(About 1/2 minute books Shinsho) 27 467 95 character page]
▼ Table of Contents
Country, Cuba was the most interesting in the 0. Around the World
"Country of revolution" Cuba fought head-to-head with one. America
The other side of 2. Time machine. Landscape of Cuba remains in the 1960s
Currency of Cuba confusing 3.. And, there is no thing.
I mean 4. Jeux rider E IN Cuba, Real Dragon Quest
Americans to suspect criminals and Cuban favorite 5. Photograph, take a picture
Industrial schools and 6. Cuba
"I want to teacher and basketball." The one in search of the most beautiful sea 7. Cuba
"The freedom of us!" The two in search of the most beautiful sea 8. Cuba
Cuisine of Cuba salty 9.
ancient capital town of Cuba 10. road becomes river, Torinida
11. Cuba Cuban music or dancing all?
Is it poor whether the 12. Wealthy socialist country Cuba "equality"
Goodness of the security of 13. Cuba, what lasts forever?
Is it a same source, "or labor, or death" and "or revolution, or death" 14.? And that Zhi whether universal?
▼ About the Author
And / Morisot your Moriyama stand
Travelers, overseas employment research house. Born in 1976.
After graduating from the School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, seven years, and worked two years in Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. in Japan Oracle.
After that, what I thought, in 2008 nine years after working people, set out on a journey around the world in business class.
Travel at that time, is a "back-packer Morisot Contact Around the World Journey of business class" this book.
After returning home, after working two years in IT companies of Japan, to perform a job search in seven countries around the world in order to work in Asia.
Currently, those who aim overseas, convey its way as "Overseas employment research house", we have been writing activities, lectures, tour planning, and management of the member organizations.