英語もできないノースキルの文系学生はどうすればいいのか? for Android
第一章 好きなことを仕事にするより、得意なことをしなさい
第二章 志望動機で苦しんでいる人へ
第三章 就職活動に失敗して自殺をしてしまう前に
第四章 就職活動はスタートした時から勝負がついている
第五章 アジアで就職するという選択肢
第六章 意識が高い(笑)学生と、やりたい事ができないという病
第七章 入社後、希望と違う仕事をできない時
第八章 人気企業ランキングの有効活用法
第九章 履歴書は手書きにすべきか?という昔ながらの議論に終止符を打つ
第十章 グローバル化できなくなる仕事、そうでない仕事
Students who live in somehow,
People that they've given up on making sure defiant, please do not read this book. Complaining other leaving to others because I come out eventually.
Students who thinks anymore, and do not want to live with Azuke life to others, it is a must.
[Table of Contents]
Rather than work to be fond first chapter, please do something good at
To people suffering from second chapter motivation letter
Before you end up committing suicide or fails to job hunting third chapter
Game is on from the time you start fourth chapter job hunting
The choice is to work in the fifth chapter Asia
Disease that you can not sixth chapter consciousness is as high as (laughs) student, is that you want to do
When after joining seventh chapter, it is not possible to work with a different hope
Effective utilization method of eighth chapter popular company rankings
Should the handwriting ninth chapter resume? I put an end to the discussion of that old-fashioned
Work that can not be globalization tenth chapter, work is not the case
▼ About the Author
Tetsuyuki Oishi (Oishi Tetsuyuki)
Born in Tokyo in 1975. Faculty of Environmental Information, Keio University graduate. He joined after Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), as a consultant for strategy group, was involved in project planning of corporate strategy, marketing, and business innovation. Thereafter, entrepreneurship Ltd. job web, Executive Vice President. The company after work, independence as an individual consultant, book writing as well start. Established Ltd. Timberline Partners, incumbent.