About アイネスフクヤマ
広島県福山市のラウンドマーク アイネスフクヤマの公式アプリ。暮らし、集い、交流し、楽しみ、憩う。 アイネスフクヤマは、ショッピング・クリニック、オフィス・ホテル・マンション・パーキングからなる「一つの街」です。今までになかった感性を、喜びを、安らぎを、ときめきを。アプリを通じて福山の新しい文化を創造・発信していきます。
アプリケーション起動時にネットワーク接続できない場合は、最新の情報が表示されない場合があります。 Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture of round mark INES Fukuyama of the official app. Living, gather and meet, fun, relax. INES Fukuyama is a shopping Clinic, consisting of offices, hotels, condominiums and parking, "one of the city". The never been sensibility to until now, the joy, the peace, the crush. We will continue to create and disseminate a new culture of Fukuyama through the app.
With this app you can receive a variety of information and apps user limited service in conjunction with the shop.
◆ Get the steadily accumulated stamp or when you start the app every day. It intends to obtain a limited service from shop to collect the stamp!
◆ attempt to take deals and coupons sent from the shop!
◆ through photo log from the shop, which is rapidly updated, why not connect with more shops?
Operator information
Fukuyama Station Development Co., Ltd. (inesfukuyama, Fukuyama Exhibition Mae Kai hearts)
Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture Higashisakura cho, No. 1 No. 1
This application, using the mobile network or Wi-Fi, and to display the latest Fair information and store information.
If you can not network connected to the application startup, there are times when the latest information is not displayed.