痩身専門エステ BONHEUR-ボヌール-の公式アプリが登場しました!
名古屋市、覚王山駅のキャビテーション痩身エステ♪ お客様のお時間はお客様だけの完全個室貸切プライベート空間でカウンセリング、施術を受けて頂けるお店です。
痩身専門エステ BONHEUR-ボヌール-
アプリケーション起動時にネットワーク接続できない場合は、最新の情報が表示されない場合があります。 Slimming expert Este BONHEUR-Bonheur - official app came up!
Your time of Cavitation Slimming Beauty ♪ customers Nagoya, of Kakuozan station is a shop that you can receive counseling and treatment in a private room full charter private space of only customers.
You can receive a limited user application services and a variety of information in conjunction with the shop with this app.
◆ gift stamps accumulate more and more or when you start the app every day. It intends to obtain the limited service from shop to collect stamps!
◆ I would have received the coupon deals and sent from the shop!
◆ through photo log from the shop that is updated more and more, do not connect with the shop more?
Operator information
Slimming expert Este BONHEUR-Bonheur -
Aichi Prefecture, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya Himeiketori Zetabiru 3-22-1 1F
※ Instructions
This application is used to display and store information fair up-to-date information by using the Wi-Fi or mobile network,.
If you can not connect to the network application start-up time, it can cause the latest information is not displayed.