JMonkeyEngine Tests for Android
All simulations return a black screen. OnePlus One Android 6.0.1 CyanogenMod 13.1 Root access
What is it supposed to do?
Droid 5.0 OS.. Asus Zenfone 2 551ml.. all black screen nothing works.
Black screen.. any idea?
What is it supposed to do?
But after figuring out how to. It was cool. Now would I need to keep this tester for my stuff. Or is this just samples. I want to be able to write games for my android. I don't have computer access.
Just black screens for every test.
All tests worked except effects and terrain. Physics was fairly laggy at collision, otherwise good.had to run on VA mode. Huawei X5
EVO 4G (2.2) only works VA no VBO. Last 2 have black screen only and
Tests unfortunately did not work on my Nexus 10
Updated, all work in VA mode apart from HelloEffects and HelloTerrain. SinplePhysics has slow fps. HTC DESIRE HD, 2.2.
JMonkey is great, but it doesn't work on my n1.
Many just blank screen galaxy s
Vbos dont work on htc desire
Good test
Lotta blank screens on droid 2
I got just black screens on lg optimus one, froyo. Hope to develop with jmonkey on android as soon as possible.
Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to future releases
Unfortunately it does not work in htc desire, android 2.2. Just a blank screen.
All output is a black screen. I am waiting for working results. Keep up the good work, the videos are very promising! Phone model: HTC Desire HD.
Does nothing at all. Just sits with black screen. Desire z
Black screens on N1 hope to see updates soon.
Great preliminary work! Keep it up!
Last two tests didn't work. And I had to use VA instead of VBO (maybe that is obvious? :-$), otherwise I would get black screen on all tests.
All test end in black screen. I would like to know if my galaxy s is enought to support developing of a game using jMonkey
Just black screens on Galaxy Nexus. Will check forums for support.
Bullet physics super laggy hello effects and terrain wont work but keep it up
by G####:
Black screen.. any idea?