Domestic staff for Android
- Domestic staff:
- For children: tutor, governess, speech therapist, nurse, psychologist, tutor and other ...
- For home / office / apartment: Cloakroom, maid, housekeeper, security guard, cook, maintenance worker, manager and other ...
- For the garden / backyard: Gardener, harvesters, and other assistant ...
- Other staff: driver, pilot, captain of the yacht, nurse, bodyguard and other ...
- Domestic services: Dry Cleaning, Stain, Debris removal, Iron, Sharpening tools, uprooting stumps, Tailoring, clothing repair, Laundry Service, porters, maids, nannies, gardeners, nurses, cleaning children's toys and other ...
- Handyman: Jack of all trades, Welding, Upholstered furniture, tiling, Handymen, all kinds of services for the repair, restoration, technician, cook, electrician, plastering and painting and other ...
Opportunities for Customer:
- Form orders, see the history, change status
- Flexible search and selection
Opportunities for Suppliers:
- Register Services
- To change your online status (free / busy / vacation ...)
- Flexible criteria for the selection of customer applications
The app has the following advantages:
- There is no need for a permanent connection to the Internet
- The ability to work on devices with different screen resolutions
- Integration with existing automation system (additional functionality)
Thanks for all the suggestions, comments and suggestions! Your positive ratings and reviews significant impact on the development of the department.