About RssReader
Lettore Rss per leggere Feed da siti differenti.
In Settings puoi scegliere se visualizzare o meno un sommario per ogni notizia.
Questa app necessita una connessione internet!
Se al primo avvio non scarica i feed,vai in Settings e scegli in DownloadFeed l'opzione On Any Network.
Rss Reader to read Feeds from different sites.
In Settings you can choose if you want to see feed summaries or not.
This app need internet connection!
The first time you open it,if it doesn't download feeds,go in settings and change DownloadFeed with the On Any network option. Rss Feed Reader to read from different sites.
In Settings you can choose whether or not to display a summary for each news.
This app requires an internet connection!
If at first start not download feeds, go to Settings and choose the option in DownloadFeed On Any Network.
Rss Reader to read feeds from different sites.
In Settings you can choose if you want to see feed summaries or not.
This app need internet connection!
The first time you open it, if it does not download feeds, go into settings and change DownloadFeed with the On Any network option.