Unishare for Android
Noi ce la mettiamo tutta per costruire e far crescere il progetto UniShare, per dare accesso a più contenuti possibile, gratuitamente, a chiunque ne abbia bisogno, in ogni momento. Investiamo il nostro tempo, la nostra passione e la nostra speranza perchè UniShare diventi il primo portale di riferimento per tutti gli studenti universitari. Ma per quanto l'impegno e gli sforzi non mancheranno mai solo il contributo di tutti farà veramente la differenza. UniShare crescerà soltanto se tutti insieme continueremo a partecipare, condividere informazioni, materiale didattico, le esperienze di ognuno di noi.
Unishare è una scommessa, e noi la vogliamo vincere.
UniShare is a gamble, a project that is the brainchild of 3 engineers of the Politecnico di Milano to build a space where we can share information that are the basis of university life. UniShare is an ambition that comes from below, from the same students who have spent time and effort to develop a plan of study, learn and know how to choose the exams, find notes and handouts, get answers to questions of all kinds. The same students who have bent over backwards to be able to leave for an overseas study experience, validate the exams, finding accommodation and gain experience they will never forget in life.We do our best to build and grow the project UniShare, to give access to more content as possible, free of charge, to anyone who needs it at any time. We invest our time, our passion and our hope because UniShare become the premier reference portal for all college students. But as far as the commitment and efforts will never be lacking only the contribution of all will make a real difference. UniShare will grow only if all together we will continue to participate, share information, educational material, the experiences of each of us.
Unishare is a gamble, and we want to win.