About Follow Me
Grazie a questa app è possibile conoscere e condividere la propia posizione e dare informazioni in tempo reale sul luogo in cui ci si trova.
L'app richiede l'accesso ad internet e, per una più precisa identificazione del luogo in cui ci si trova, l'utilizzo del GPS.
Una volta individuata la propria posizione la si visualizza sulla mappa visibile sul proprio dispositivo.
Non è possibile condividere la propria posizione direttamente su Facebook ma si possono utilizzare tutte le altre app presenti sul proprio dispositivo (sms, mail, whatsApp, ecc.)
----------------------- English description -----------------------
Thanks to this app it's possibile to know and shake your position and give information on where you are in real - time. The app requies the access to internet and, for more precise identification (id) the use of GPS. Once qualified, your position is visibile on the map on your device.
It's possible to share your position with every app on your device (sms email whatsapp ) except for facebook With this app you can learn and share propia position and give real-time information on where you are located.
The app requires access to the Internet and, for a more precise identification of the place where you are located, the use of GPS.
Once you have identified your location is displayed on the map visible on your device.
It is not possible to share your location directly on Facebook but you can use any other app on your device (sms, email, WhatsApp, etc.).
----------------------- Inglese description -----------------------
Thanks to this app it's possible to know and shake your position and give information on where you are in real - time. The app requies access to the internet and, for more precise identification (id) the use of GPS. Once qualified, your position is visible on the map on your device.
It's possible to share your position with every app on your device (email sms whatsapp) except for facebook