About iVoyager
★★★ iVoyager for tablet is available at this price until 31 August 2013. ★★★
With iVoyager you can record, the expenses of your business or leisure trip quickly and easily.
Enter a trip with a brief description, the date of departure, the means of transport and your notes.
Define the foreign currency that you will use and save the expenses in your currency or in the used foreign currencies. Capture a photo to set as a logo of the trip.
Then send by email the summary in text or spreadsheet format of your trip.
Key Features:
★ User interface designed for Android tablet devices.
★ Search and filter the trips by year, month and title name.
★ Ability to define multiple foreign currencies for each trip.
★ Export data trip in text format.
★ Export data trip in spreadsheet, ODS format.
★ Sending the exported data by email.
★ Available languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Future Plans:
My intention is to grow the application until it becomes a real Voyager diary.
Will be possible to record additional information such as points of interest, photos and videos that resemble the happy moments spent with friends and loved ones during the trip.
If you buy "iVoyager" now, you will receive all free updates and future extensions.
Support and Community:
If you want report bugs or send suggestions, please contact me at the following email address: pitesta@gmail.com
If you want to exchange opinions and stay informed on the latest news of the project, visit the iVoyager community on Google+ at the following link:
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