Scuola di Estetica Liliana for Android
Scarica l’App della scuola di Estetica Liliana ed entra a fare parte del nostro mondo.
Dal 1975 prepariamo figure professionali che abbiano tutti gli strumenti cognitivi per essere competitive nel mercato di lavoro.
Corsi speciali: massaggio linfodrenante, antistress connettivale, emolinfatico, hot stone, ayurvedico, aromaterapia e fitoterapia, riflessologia plantare, digitopressione, pedicure curativo, ricostruzione UV gel e acrilico, nail art nail design, trucco d'epoca, trucco sposa e fotografico, moda, antiage, camouflage, fonatura e acconciatura.
Do you want to receive vocational training to become a beautician, you want to learn the most effective makeup techniques?Download the App of the school of Aesthetics Liliana and becomes a part of our world.
Since 1975 we prepare professionals who have all the cognitive tools to be competitive in the job market.
Special courses: lymphatic drainage massage, anti-stress deep tissue, lymphatic, hot stone, ayurveda, aromatherapy and herbal medicine, reflexology, acupressure, therapeutic pedicure, UV gel reconstruction and acrylic, nail art nail design, vintage makeup, bridal makeup and photography, fashion , anti-aging, camouflage, fonatura and hairstyle.