FoW Tool for Android
It does what you need, perfect.
Needs more features and tools to deserve the name and adspace. But useful as is.
Makes keeping track of both life totals and match time easy. Would like an ad-free version and a landscape mode.
This app is simple adder/timer with a coded button for rolling. Doesn't deserve the adspace. Next try should include a notes section, produced will tracker for floating will, and perhaps an inherent copy of all comprehensive rules linked for quick reference.
Best tracker for FoW yet. Super full featured. I do wish there was an ad free pro option, as I'd happily drop a few bucks not to see the jarring AdSense ads on an otherwise sleek and minimalist app.
by W####:
Not sure why anyone would use this over FoW Compendium. Also it seems weird that the app would be as large as it is for doing so little.