U2p voucher per gli acquisti for Android
Su UP2PAY hai a disposizione:
1. La Card Virtuale con codice Qr
2. Il saldo UPV E il saldo UP
3. Il Pulsante Converti ( per trasformare le UPVincolate in UP )
4. Il Pulsante Dona ( per trasferire le up a soggetti non partita IVA ) e il Pulsante Paga ( per Pagare )
5. Tutti i movimenti che hai effettuato
Elenco dei punti Vendita e la loro ubicazione ( geolocalizzazione )
The app is used to perform part of the payments up to 20% using discount vouchers and saving the euro. The app also allows you to view the transactions of the voucher-rebate. Companies benefit from the immediate reduction of the tax base by up to 20% and re-use that same voucher- discount for buying goods and services for their business. The discount voucher can not be converted into Euro and traveling in a separate account managed by the application. The list and geo-localization allow to identify the activities that accept voucher discount. The cashback tool allows you to build customer loyalty at low cost. Do you want more information go to www.up2pay.it site.VIRTUAL CARD, BALANCE AND MOVEMENTS
On UP2PAY you have available:
1. Virtual Card with QR code
2. The balance UPV AND UP balance
3. Convert button (to turn UPVincolate in UP)
4. Donate button (to transfer up to non-VAT) and Pay button (to Pay)
5. All the movements you made
Sale of bullets and their location (geolocation)