About Psychic Test Fake
Make a funny joke, impress your friends, use it to win small bets.
Drive them crazy!
This test will help you define and understand any Psychic abilities that you may be experiencing. This test can also clarify and lead you on a path of Self Discovery towards the direction that accesses your divine self.
This test is based on the researches of the famous parapsychologist J.B. Rhine. These kind of studies of ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) are now become the standard for such extra sensorial tests.
Statistical laws dictate that there's 1 chance in 5 of getting the card by pure chance, along with a certain degree of variability (between 0/25 and 10/25).
Scores over 10 would therefore be highly significant. Many repeated scores over 10 means somenthing weird.
A special algorithm ensures a minimum of * 10 * not sequential correct answers, to a maximum of 20 on total of 25. If you even guess the random one, you could get 25/25!
Activation of the trick is hidden. The game always starts normally. No menu. If you're crafty no one will notice.
To activate cheat mode, in the second screen, take a long-press instead of a single touch (do some testing, not all devices respond the same way). You will confirm that the cheat mode is active, because the next screen, the one that invites you to relax, the write at the bottom has 4 dots instead of 3.
The trick must be repeated each time, so that your friends, in their round, will be charged the normal random algorithm.
Cheat mode works best if:
-Let the other person go first so they can see that the app works as advertised.
-take your time to answer, pretend to concentrate.
-often choose different cards
-do not repeat too many times, say that you're tired to concentrate
Have fun!
keywords: Psychic, Zener, Zener Cards, parapsychologist, J.B. Rhine, Rhine, Predictions, coincidence, ESP, Extra Sensory Perception, Fake, Funny