SMS Voice for Android
This is a very useful Widget for Android , especially when driving: for every incoming SMS, a voice will read who the sender is and what has written.
After you have downloaded and installed the app, start it.
The first screen allows you to select one of 5 languages:
After this operation, the app gives you instructions on how to place the widget on the home.
Go to Application->> Widget >> then press and hold App until it is positioned on your homepage.
Each time you click the button the setting changes: OFF / ONLY NAME / NAME AND TEXT
This App includes a dictionary-based abbreviations customizable by each user.
To add an abbreviation just click on the "+", write it in the appropriate field and indicate in the next field the corresponding meaning.
Instead, with a short click on a shortcut you can edit it, with a long click you can delete it.
Make sure that the volume "Music" is turned up.
Only for some models, you must stop and restart the smartphome for a complete installation.