PRO-AGRO Mobile, completely free on your mobile phone!
Launched in 2011, PRO-AGRO is a collection co-published by Engineers Without Borders Cameroon (ISF) and Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). This innovative series cover a wide range of issues related to rural development. In a practical and friendly way, it deals with topics ranging from crop production, animal husbandry, agricultural processing, water and sanitation, and energy.
Ideal for farmers, rural communities and extension workers from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, the PROAGRO series is also available in the virtual library:
ISF: http://isf-cameroun.org/en/virtual-library
CTA : http://publications.cta.int/en/publications/series/pro-agro-en/
PRO-AGRO is managed by professionals with extensive experience and a detailed knowledge of the issues and needs of rural populations. People satisfaction entering the heart of our actions, additional paid SMS feature allows you to ask specific questions to experts.