About Telehgram
Some useful features Telehgram:
⭐️ Option to voice confirmation before sending
⭐️ Option to save files using original filename
⭐️ Option to set custom compression when sharing videos
⭐️ Option to use pone font
⭐️ Option to show own photo or user photo in chat bubbles
⭐️ Group admin is shown in groups profile
⭐️ Option to discard proximity sensor changes when playing audio notes
⭐️ Option to show profile pics when clicking photo in main screen
⭐️ Option to show profile screen when clicking photo in main screen
⭐️ In addition, with both English and Farsi languages
⭐️ Of course it has all Telegram benefits:
Free, fast and secure, private chats, files up to 1’5Gb, groups up to 200 members, channels, reply to concrete messages, delete recently sent messages for everyone, no need to give your mobile number, just your username is enough to chat in a group or with any user, cloud based, etc