About Monitor
Revija Monitor, vodilna tehnološka revija v Sloveniji, je na voljo tudi v digitalni obliki, kot aplikacija na napravah Android in Apple iOS.
Monitor je splošna računalniška/tehnološka revija, v kateri vsakdo, ki ga zanima katerokoli področje računalništva, informacijske tehnologije ali zabavne elektronike, najde dovolj zanimivega in informativnega branja. Trg informacijske tehnologije je (pre)hitro spreminjajoč in zasičen z informacijami. Kako ga zaobjeti? Kako izbrati najboljšo rešitev? Kupec potrebuje posrednika, ki zanj iz informacijske poplave izlušči bistvo. Revija Monitor je natančno to.
»Če o računalnikih in zabavni elektroniki ne veš nič, vprašaš tistega, ki ve. Bralca Monitorja.«
Monitor is a general computer/technology magazine published in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In the twenty-five years of its existence it has become and stayed the leading Slovenian computer magazine. Monitor is the only IT magazine in Slovenia with its own lab and the only one that regularly tests and publishes comprehensive articles on all aspects of hardware. According to independent surveys Monitor magazine is three times more influential in the IT market in Slovenia than any other IT magazine, and it is widely considered the source of relevant IT information in Slovenia.
Monitor has a supplement – MonitorPro – covering the business side of IT. The magazine Monitor, a leading technology magazine in Slovenia, is also available in digital form as an application on Android and Apple iOS.
Monitor general computer / technology magazine, in which anyone who is interested in any area of computer science, information technology or consumer electronics, found enough interesting and informative reading. Market information technology (too) rapidly changing and saturated with information. How do you embrace? How to choose the best solution? The buyer needs a mediator, that it emerges from the information flooding point. The magazine Monitor is exactly that.
"If the computers and consumer electronics do not know anything, ask one who knows. Monitor the reader. "
Monitor is a general computer / technology magazine published in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In the twenty-five years of its existence it has become and stayed the Slovenian leading computer magazine. Monitor is the only IT magazine in Slovenia with its own lab and the only one that regularly tests and publishes comprehensive articles on all aspects of hardware. According to independent surveys Monitor magazine is three times more influential in the IT market in Canada than any other IT magazine, and it is widely considered the source of relevant IT information and Slovenia.
Monitor has a supplement - MonitorPro - covering the business side of IT.
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