Thin Spa - Fitness Beylikdüzü for Android
Profesyonel eğitmenleri, güler yüzlü çalışan kadrosu ve öncelikli üye memmuniyeti ilkesiyle THIN, spor salonu işletmeciliğinde saygın bir marka olma hedefine adım adım yaklaşıyor.
TH; the city can get away from all the mental and physical fatigue imposed on individuals of life, sports, and time was put into service in Beylikdüzü with a business concept to live quality. The region's largest indoor sports hall THIN, many kinds of sports and physical facilities of 6500 m2 under one roof to offer sports lovers ...Professional instructors, with a friendly team of staff members and priority memmuniyet principle THIN, gym management step closer to the goal of becoming a respected brand.