Kumpulan Lagu Adista Mp3

Kumpulan Lagu Adista Mp3 Free App

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Annur Music Corp

About Kumpulan Lagu Adista Mp3

Adista band adalah band Pendatang baru di Blantika musik INDONESIA yang di gawangi oleh 2 orang personil yaitu Akbar(gitar) dan resar (vocal) dan di bantu 3 orang aditional player atau pengiring panggung untuk mengisi drum,keybord dan bass. Yaitu Indar - (Bass) , Eky - Dram, Atu ( Keyboards).

Adista terbentuk pada TTL 14 february 2011 di PALU, SULAWESI TENGAH, INDONESIA. Nama adista di ambil dari salah satu personil adista yaitu Akbar dengan kekasihnya dulu tapi sudah putus karena tidak di setujui oleh ortunya dian.

* Untuk mendengarkan lagu, App harus terhubung ke internet via WiFi/4G/3G.
* Semua lagu didapatkan dari website dari situs soundcloud dan youtube. Developer tidak menyimpan lagu dalam App dan tidak meng-upload lagu-lagu tersebut.
* Seluruh media/gambar/lagu adalah hak cipta pemegang hak cipta. Adista newcomer bands is a band at the music INDONESIA that in gawangi by two personnel namely Akbar (guitar) and resar (vocal) and the auxiliary 3 aditional player or accompanist stage for filling drums, keyboards and bass. Namely Indar - (Bass), Eky - Drums, Atu (Keyboards).

TTL Adista formed on 14 february 2011 in Palu, Central Sulawesi, INDONESIA. Adista name is taken from one of the personnel Adista namely Akbar with his girlfriend before but had broken up because it is not approved by ortunya dian.

* To listen to the song, App must be connected to the Internet via WiFi / 4G / 3G.
* All songs obtained from the website of the site SoundCloud and YouTube. Developers do not store songs in the app and upload songs.
* All media / picture / song is copyright holder of the copyright.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Kumpulan Lagu Adista Mp3 version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 50+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: info.yogilaguadista, download Kumpulan Lagu Adista Mp3.apk

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