About 漢字ナンクロ辞書
漢字ナンクロ・漢字クロスワードパズルの回答や、問題の作成に利用できる辞書アプリです 。
テレビ番組「ペケポン」の答えを見つけたい方。 Answers and Nankuro kanji kanji crossword puzzle, it is a dictionary app that you can use to create the problem.
For example, list "Roppongi", "used bookstore" and "author" appears the second character is a search for the word of the "book".
You can also specify the words of more than one.
List of "once in a lifetime," "Forrest Gump" and "word for word" is displayed the first character is a search for the word of "one" is also the third character in the "one".
I have acquired 14 million words.
[You can use it towards the following]
Who in kanji Nankuro kanji crossword puzzle, you want to solve the problem you do not know really.
If you want to try to create your own Kanji Nankuro kanji crossword puzzle.
Who I want to create a simple kanji Nankuro kanji crossword puzzle in your child.
If you want to find the answer television program "Pekepon".