About 和風名付け
漢字辞典 http://kanjitisiki.com/
四字熟語辞典 http://yozizyukugo.kanjitisiki.com/ It is an application that provides seems Japan, a name that calm.
From the traditional names of Japan, I have carefully selected a name that can be accepted in the modern!
You can see a list of names from a variety of disciplines.
I have put the meaning and kanji that are used to the name, information such as idioms about the kanji.
It is an application name and common sense, is a classic uniform!
And named the baby, I hope you help you Re of creative activities.
* Source of the meaning of the Chinese characters of this app
Kanji Dictionary http://kanjitisiki.com/
* Source of the meaning of the idioms of this app
Idiom Dictionary http://yozizyukugo.kanjitisiki.com/