About Self-Issued OP Demo
This is simple demo app of Self-Issued OpenID Provider.
Self-Issued OpenID Provider is defined by OpenID Connect Spec.
This app generates RSA keypair and issues ID Token signed with the private key to Relying Party.
- Supported parameters at authorization request
- response_type : "id_token"
- scope : only "openid"
- client_id : RP's redirect_uri
- state
- nonce This is simple demo app of Self-Issued OpenID Provider.
Self-Issued OpenID Provider is defined by OpenID Connect Spec.
http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html # SelfIssued
This app generates RSA keypair and issues ID Token signed with the private key to Relying Party.
- Supported parameters at authorization request
- Response_type: "id_token"
- Scope: only "openid"
- Client_id: RP's redirect_uri
- State
- Nonce
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Self-Issued OP Demo version 1.0 on your
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Android package:
info.openidconnect.selfissued, download Self-Issued OP Demo.apk