logical thinking quiz! for Android
Although it has been relieved little by little, as for the future, it is largely still uneasy.
There is the background of the situation to stray there,
Therefore it is not only diplomacy when it is said why you stray,
I make the administration, and management and the way of working move slightly, and it is really assumed to be because there is not logicality.
Even if an effect is not given immediately, why don't you continue a really effective thing for trial for one year?
That the answer there is not one, but devises the high answer to effect,
It is a field for scientific basics six minutes in order to forge the logical thought that is the base,
I make physics, chemistry, computer science, biology, ergonomics, ten love engineering by 5 answers,
I make the commentary every answer, and deepen understanding (I do not make the score every answer daringly),
I marked it by way of the training of the logical thought and it was knowledge on a wide variety of subjects and made application to polish a thought.
If, with this, you can improve coherence to be able to think out as one's nucleus well.
There is not the effect even if I stray unsteadily unsteadily.
For example, mention even ergonomics and love engineering,
Things move only for human feelings, and what will happen without a rule (law)?
I do not say where there, but there is the political party which died instantly only by playing to the gallery in a performance tendency.
As such, something happens and give a high overall score as a result of trained ...! ?